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School Uniform

We are an inclusive school and our uniform is non gender biased. Pupils may choose which form of uniform they wish to wear.


All children need to have a waterproof coat (warm for the winter) and wellington boots in school at all times.

Knee length navy blue pinafore dress or skirt or navy blue 'Trutex' style trousers or shorts in summer


If in doubt regarding style - please check with the school prior to purchase.

navy blue sweatshirt 


Long sleeved light blue blouse/shirt with collar for tie (Peter Pan style collars do not work with ties)


(KS2 -Years 3-6 ONLY) available from the school office

School tie (KS2 - Years 3-6 ONLY)

Light blue polo shirt (KS1 - Years R-2 ONLY)

White, grey or navy socks/tights

Plain black style shoes (no exaggerated fashion styles e.g. high heels)


Optional summer uniform may be worn in the summer term and until 30th September


  • Navy Blue shorts/light blue polo shirt blue

  • Blue and white gingham check dress

  • School sun hat during hot weather

Expectations when wearing school uniform
  • Top button on shirts to be done up 

  • Ties to be tied properly and tightened to the collar

  • Shirts/blouses to be tucked in

  • Sweatshirts to be worn or hung up.  They should not be tied around waists or shoulders

  • All items of school uniform should be clearly named

Accessories, Make up and Hairstyles


  • Any hair accessories must be navy blue and of a plain nature (no flowery hair clips or large bows etc)

  • No jewellery is to be worn in school.  If ears have been pierced one small stud may be worn but these will need to be removed for PE/games

  • Please note that nose and body piercings are not permitted on safety regulations

  • A simple watch may be worn (not a smart watch)

  • Long or shoulder length hair is to be tied back at all times

  • No extreme hairstyles are allowed; this includes decorative cuts shaved into the hair

  • Dyed hair is not permitted

  • No makeup or nail varnish to be worn

  • No jeans or corduroy trousers should be worn

We are an inclusive school and our uniform is non gender biased. Pupils may choose which form of uniform they wish to wear.


All children need to have a waterproof coat (warm for the winter) and wellington boots in school at all times.

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