& Nursery
​​Black Street, Martham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4PR - Tel: 01493 740071 office@marthamacademy.co.uk
School Meals
Our School meals are prepared freshly on site every day and provided by Aspens. At the time of writing, the cost of a school meal is £2.50 (unless eligible for Free School Meals or Universal Free School Meals). The food provided follows the remit for healthy eating.
All lunch orders/amendments need to be completed and paid for on the Arbor Parent Portal. You will be emailed a registration link to create their account. The portal works on a web browser (a link can be found below) and there is also an app that can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store on your phone.
Aspens has a Special Diet Procedure. As you are aware their menus adhere to the School Food Standards and they endeavour to cater for the majority of children at Martham which can include children with special diets. To ensure Aspens capture all relevant details of a child with a medically diagnosed allergy, intolerance, or health condition, with the help of a nutritionist they would prefer you meet with the Head of Kitchen to discuss this further. By meeting with the parent(s)/carer(s) this will help speed up menu requests and will enable Aspens Catering to liaise directly with a parent/carer via email or telephone whilst keeping both school staff and kitchen staff in the loop.
Link to parent portal for payments - https://marthamacademy.uk.arbor.sc/