& Nursery
​​Black Street, Martham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4PR - Tel: 01493 740071 office@marthamacademy.co.uk
Safety in our Curriculum
What do I know to keep myself safe?
Who helps me to keep and feel safe?
How do I know when I am safe?
How do we Inform Parents and the Community?
Parent Mail
Parent Workshops
Information Assemblies
Visitors in school/badges/lanyards
Security at front of school
Whole chool assembly to address school security an pupil safety
NSPCC assemblies - Speak out
Safety in the Community
Crucial Crew y6 - Fire, Ambluance, RNLI - safety awareness in the community
Visit Martham Fire Station - fire awareness and safety code
PCSO visits to school
Defibrilator training to staff
Visit Museum of the Broads - Water, Broads and Sea safety
Personal Safety
E-Safety - KidSMART, Internet Safety Week, E-Safety workshops and assemblies
Safety assemblies linked to celebrations - Fireworks, Halloween
Road Safety Education Programme N.C.C. KS1 Safe road awareness and crossing
Trips - staff/pupil ratios
Curriculum Safety
PSHE - Drug and Alcohol awareness and safety
Safety using PE equipment and team games
Swimming safety
Sex and Relationship Education
Design Technology - safe use of tools and materials
Science - follow safety rules