December is a busy month in our school calendar. This year is no exception starting on the 1st with our school Christmas Fair. It was lovely to see so many families visiting our Elfridge's store buying their Christmas presents for their loved ones, as well as many visiting craft stalls, tombola, raffle, refreshments and Father Christmas was here too! We would like to also thank Messy Church and the Flegg High Event Team who came with craft activities and games for the children to play.

It was great to see so many parents and carers attending last weeks Landing Pads. The children really look forward to welcoming you and sharing their learning with you all. We thank you for coming along and spending the time with your youngsters.
This week there will be 2 performances of the Carol Concert on Tuesday as well as Reception and Key Stage 1 hosting their Nativity plays later in the week. Next week will see Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas Dinner, Reindeer Run and Christmas Parties all within the final 2 days. School closes for the Christmas break on Tuesday 18th December at 3.20pm.

We would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year and will look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Thursday 3rd January, 2019!