& Nursery
​​Black Street, Martham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4PR - Tel: 01493 740071 office@marthamacademy.co.uk
Performances and Music
Information about each of the music lessons, performances and arts that are offered can be found by clicking on any of the images below. If you have any questions that are not answered by this page, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Weekly cello lessons are given by a tutor from the Norfolk Music Service, to children in Key Stage 2. Once the pupils are reasonably proficient, they then have the opportunity to join the school orchestra and are also invited to take part in County led ensembles and concerts.

All children are welcomed into the choir, throughout Key Stages 1 and 2, with rehearsal once a week. The choir performs at the Carol Concert and the Midsummer Concert every year, as well as community singing at Christmas time.

The Choral Society is a specialist singing group, made up of children from Key Stages 1 & 2, selected for the quality of their voices. The Choral Society traditionally takes part in local festivals and competitions. They have been entered into Gorleston St. Andrew's Festival for the last 18 years and at one stage were the primary school winners for 8 years in a row! They won their class in 2017 and gained an Outstanding grade for their performance in the same year at the Norfolk Music Festival.

Piano and keyboard lessons are available and have proved popular over the years. Currently children from Yr 1 upwards have piano and keyboard lessons on a weekly basis. As well as learning the basics, the children are encouraged to bring in music they would like to play and if they wish to, are prepared for appropriate exams.

All Yr 2 children have a weekly class recorder lesson, taught by a volunteer. This is an opportunity for all children to access an instrumental lesson at no cost to the parent. As a result of recorder lessons in Yr 2, some children continue learning this instrument throughout Yrs 3-6. Children are encouraged to play 2 and 3 part music together. They also take part in Carol Concerts and the Midsummer Concert.

Children in Yr2 who don't already have instrumental lessons are selected to form a ukulele group. They practice as beginners group once a week. The children then continue as a joint ukulele group, throughout Yrs 3-6, also rehearsing once a week. This joint group performs at the Carol Concert and the Midsummer Concert every year.

Woodwind lessons on flute, saxophone and clarinet are available from a private tutor. The instruments are mostly provided by school in order to keep the cost of lessons at a minimum and once the children are reasonably proficient they are invited to join the school orchestra.

Children from Yr 2 upwards have the opportunity to learn to play the violin through weekly lessons with a private tutor. Violins are provided by the school to keep lesson costs down and once pupils are reasonably proficient they are invited to join the school orchestra.

Children of all abilities are welcomed into the orchestra and rehearse once a week, supported by staff and ex-pupils. The orchestra always performs at the Carol Concert and the Midsummer Concert.

With such a wealth of musical talent at Martham Academy, it seemed appropriate to provide an opportunity to showcase the best of what our pupils achieve. The annual Concert gives parents an insight into all their are able to do musically. The event has grown to such an extent that it includes children from Reception to Yr 6 and an outdoor marquee is required as the performance space. The themed evening is compered by the children and is always a resounding success.

For the last three years an evening of expressive arts for local primary schools has taken place in Martham. Organised by staff, the evening encourages schools to showcase pupils performing in choirs, dance, cheerleading or gymnastic groups or reading poetry. Flegg High School main hall is used and it is a free event for parents to attend and appreciate the wealth of talent found in our primary school.

Martham Primary maintains a tradition of an annual production, whether it be a play, pantomime or musical. This involves Year 6 children as actors with musical support from the school choir and guests. In 2016, the Year 6 staff and children produced the musical, Go for Gold, which linked in with the Ancient Greek topic being studied.