& Nursery
​​Black Street, Martham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4PR - Tel: 01493 740071 office@marthamacademy.co.uk
Parent Partnership
We strive to be the very best at building long lasting relationships with our families past and present, we do this by ensuring we keep our parents & carers fully informed of their child's time at the nursery.
All children have a key person assigned to them when they start nursery. The key person has a responsibility to ensure that children settle well, learn and develop, while building strong bonds with both the children and their caregivers.
We use an online learning journal called Tapestry to document children’s time at nursery.
On Tapestry we add photos and videos of your child's learning and development as they take part in a wide variety of activities both indoors and outdoors. Families are able to access their individual Tapestry accounts on a desktop or by downloading the app. This allows them to add photos and videos from home and help to let staff know more about the children's lives outside of nursery.
We share home learning challenges of children’s individual interests and topic based learning to further develop children’s knowledge.
We offer regular ‘Learn with us’ sessions where parents are invited in to take part in activities and see the environment the children are busy learning & developing within.
Parents meetings are held twice a year, generally in November & May, however we are always available for a chat about children's development at any time of the year.
We have a small nursery book borrowing facility & we also have a regular book stall from Bookworms these both help to promote families to enjoy reading together