& Nursery
​​Black Street, Martham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4PR - Tel: 01493 740071 office@marthamacademy.co.uk
Our Mission Statement

Growing people, growing minds
Every person who enters the door will feel a buzz and thrill about learning. It will be a learning community where children, teachers, LSAs, office staff, parents, governors and the wider community recognise that its philosophy centres on everyone learning, co-operating, playing and developing together.
We aim to produce successful learning, confident individuals and responsible citizens who can work together! The curriculum will be an entire planned learning experience focussing on functional, personal, learning and thinking skills, with the development of knowledge and personal attitudes such as resilience, determination and adaptability. Learning approaches and routines will support this ethos within a culture of personal learning and choice, responsibility and leadership.
The school will be outward looking and optimistic. Relationships between staff and pupils will be open and positive. Learning intentions will be shared with pupils and every learner will understand quality and how to improve.
The environment will be safe, pleasant and friendly and will promote learning. All users of the facilities will do so responsibly and value it as a resource for the wider community.
Mrs Mules, Headteacher