& Nursery
Black Street, Martham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4PR - Tel: 01493 740071 office@marthamacademy.co.uk
The children at Martham Academy & Nursery are given the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas about clubs they would like to see the school provide so following this feedback, we are happy to inform you that we offer a variety of extra-curricular clubs, both during school hours (lunchtime) and after school in the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms (these are shown below).
Please check against each club if it is open to everyone or certain year groups.
Children are awarded ‘Certificates of Participation’ for sporting events and clubs, recognising the effort and commitment children demonstrate by attending the various clubs. Children are awarded one point for every attendance at a sports club. Once children attend a club 10 times, they will be awarded a Bronze Certificate for participation. Children will gain a Silver Certificate for 20 points, a Gold Certificate for 30 points and Platinum Certificate for 40+ points.
If the school is notified in advance that a club is being cancelled on a particular week or will no longer be running you will be notified of this in the weekly newsletter and/or your child’s homework diary.
Unable to Attend
If your child is unable to attend a session due to ill health/appointments etc please notify the member of staff running the club as soon as possible.