& Nursery
​​Black Street, Martham, Great Yarmouth, NR29 4PR - Tel: 01493 740071 office@marthamacademy.co.uk
Breakfast club costs £3.50 and runs before school from 8am until 8:45am. After breakfast club the children move to their classes to start the school day.
After school club runs from 3:20pm until 5pm.. There is a set price of £3.50 (where children receive a snack) until 4pm. From 4pm - 5pm the cost is £1.75 per half hour or part thereof. Any children collected late will be charged a late fee. Please see our terms and conditions for more information.
Whilst attending our clubs children are offered free choice activities of Outdoor Play, Role Play, Art/Craft Activities, Board Games, Puzzles and access to the school Library etc.
Both Breakfast and After School Clubs are offered to all pupils from Reception up to Year 6. Each club is manned to our set ratio's with school members of staff the children will recognise.​
Our direct dial number when clubs are in operation is (01493) 749296 otherwise all queries should go through the main school office on (01493) 740071. Any general club queries should be brought to the attention of Mrs Crabtree, Breakfast and After School Club leader.
Sessions cancelled with less than 2 weeks notice will be charged at full rate. Sessions cancelled with more than 2 weeks notice will not be charged for. Invoices will be sent at the beginning of each month for sessions taken in the previous month. Payments to be made at school office in cash or with a cheque payable to Martham Academy and Nursery School or by Bank Transfer (please ask at reception for details). Any payment queries to be directed to Jacky Pittock.
In the mornings we have a variety of cereals, toast and crumpets with a choice of toppings for the children to choose between for their breakfast. At After School Club, there is a varied menu and every afternoon we offer a main choice which may be pasta, sandwiches, cheese and crackers, hot dogs, soup or beans/spaghetti on toast to name a few. We are able to offer a simple alternative should there be something your child particularly doesn't eat. After their main snack, we have a dessert such as fresh/dried fruits, jelly, angel delight or yoghurts. We always have a choice of 2 squashes or water in the evening and milk or water in the mornings to drink.
On your initial booking form, you will be asked whether your child has any particular dietary needs/allergies and we will work with you to cater in a specific way if needed.